
Comments (57)

What do you think?

all'y'all asking where the titties are at... wait, the models obviously arent gonna be in until they're prepared and show up in the story... be patient for your titty. you charlatains.

Where is the download link. I have a littlle time out of the side ( burnt pc )

Hey there, remember me? Do you still need a voice actor? I'm still free, just so you know.

Can't wait too play it

I took down the test build on account of it not reflecting the current state of the game.

Lucou: Tome of the Reborn is a 3D platformer that borrows mechanics from the likes of Super Mario 64 as well as some Zelda games such as Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild. It follows a 14 year old girl named Aime on a journey home after being banished, during which she learns the truth about herself and a divine conflict that had taken place centuries prior.

The game is being developed in Unity.

Fantasy Violence


I can’t thank you all enough. When I put this game up, I really wasn’t expecting it to gain really any kind of following. Thank you all for being invested enough in this game to want to follow its development.

Test Level

Playground 0.1.2 Update coming




Title Screen

Said image that isn't showing up in that last post.

New Effects!

A new controller