
Comments (24)

What do you think?

Super fun game, you can see a lot of work and care went into this. I've only finished the first part so far but I'm looking forward to play the rest. Keep up the good work developer, it's one of the best fan games I've seen so far!

Here's my video for anyone wondering what it looks like in action :

Hello I noticed your project and wanted to ask if you could help with mine (read luigis mansion the illusion for more info)

Lo más seguro es que no habrá traducción al Español hasta que acabe de desarrollar el juego. Si estás teniendo problemas con los controles de el teclado, los puedes cambiar en el menú de opciones. Habrá soporte para mandos próximamente, así que si no te gusta utilizar el teclado puedes esperar a la última versión.

Is there a way for it to be just a single exe?

it's cool, but for some reason, my light is flying off


Luigi's Mansion 2D Area 3 + Coop

Version: 1.9.4over 1 year ago

Luigi's Mansion 2D: Eternal Night is a Metroid styled fan game of the popular game series known as Luigi's Mansion, where you go through various rooms, clearing them by vacuuming up ghosts in order to save Luigi's brother Mario. This game was originally created by a MFGG user known as Shadow Kami and is being revived by TheHappyFaceKing after its unfortunate cancellation.

Wiki article: Luigi's Mansion 2D MFGG Wiki

I post development updates for LM2D on my YouTube channel.

#fangame #horror #action #adventure #platformer #retro #mario #luigi #nintendo #demake

Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Get your ghost hunting equipment it's time to get into some ghost-busting action with a friend with the new local co-op featuring Gooigi, and a new demo for Area 3!

A brand new build of Luigi's Mansion 2D is just around the corner! Get into some ghost-busting action with a friend with the new local co-op featuring Gooigi, and a new demo for Area 3!


Sneak peek

Added a new Challenge mode to Luigi's Mansion 2D! (Unlocked after defeating second area boss).


Area 2 is finally complete! Try it out in this brand new demo for Luigi's Mansion 2D!