Deep underground lies a tucked-away Octarian Society, into the deep depths were they were forced to dwell is Neo Octokyo, a play on words of 'Neo Tokyo', a CyberPunk City. The Octarian-Salmonid trade agreement has been dissolved, ever since the sinister Grizzco has brainwashed the Salmonids into becoming hostile towards everything. Without the Salmonid Power eggs, the underground utopia can't have power. It's up to you, the player, to venture out into the vast underground world and see what's with the strange power outage, in the new fan project, Splatoon: Octopunk Infiltration!
Discord Server: (PROJECT ON HIATUS)
(Spin Off Project By Panda Universe - Not Affiliated with Nintendo)
#OctoPunk #Splatoon #Splatoon2 #Splatoon3