Comments (2)
Alhamdulillah, after some trouble learning the ropes, finally I'm able to complete this game
Lunar Gardener 0.9 Muhi version
Muhi Version uses Muhi software to allow user to play by blinking eyes.
After installing, open folder and configure shortcut launcher.exe
First part of the shortcut should be where Muhi.exe is located, second part where LunarGarderner.exe is located
Lunar Gardener 0.9 Regular Version
Lunar gardener is a project developed for #spectocular game jam.
You play as a gardener with impressive gardening skill.
Plant the right seeds at the right place !
Game is designed to be played with MuHi software: blink your eyes to play
-blink left to go left
-blink right to go right
-blink both eyes for menu/confirm
Blink an eye twice to auto-move
It is possible if you want to play the game with keyboard : left arrow/right arrow/space
In any version, press B+N on the keyboard on launch screen to reset your save file.
Game autosaves upon choosing "Quit"