Comments (11)
I really like the graphics. Sadly I have no one to play with ;n;
Really nice two player game, but for some reason I cant get the blue one to deal damage to the other one :/ I included it in part 2 of my IndiE3 Jam compilation video series, if you'd like to take a look :) http://youtu.be/GFbV9yUiuX4
You'll add keyboard controls later right?
MagiKill is a magical girl fighting game taking inspiration from shows like Sailor Moon to let players commit mahou shoujo murder on each other.
Strike or trap your opponents to stun them and finish them by destroying your opponents soul gem (released upon hit).
We aim to continue polishing and eventually complete this jam project.
Player 1 (right) uses arrows. down for shield, comma(,) is melee and period(.) is shoot.
Player 2 uses wasd. 's' for shield, 'g' for melee, 'h' for shoot.
FOR CONTROLLERS(Xbox Controllers natively compatible):
Left Analog Stick to move
A - Jump - double jumps and wall jumps are a thing
X- Shoot
B- Melee
Y- Shield/Mine - shields block projectiles and act as mines. they go invisible after some time but will immobilize an opponent on hit.
Made by @BrooklynGamery :
Mild Fantasy Violence