The story of a boy running away from his town high in the mountains to the plains to start anew.
Downhill Rush is a game currently being developed and is a work in progress. It is a platformer style game where the objective is to avoid the trees and collect the coins. Currently, it has one level but more are coming soon. Also more content (Cosmetic as well as Interactive) is on the way.
Key Features
The only difficulty element in this game is avoiding the trees. Depending upon the size of the tree, health goes down accordingly.
2.Coins as currency
There are no micro transactions in the game. YAY! The coins you collect in the game are to be used as the currency in the game to get more cosmetic items. Although right now the shop is under construction (pun intended :p) it will be in the game in the next update.
3.Weather System
There is a weather system in the game. For now there is only snow but in future levels to come as the player gets closer to the plains the weather will start changing.
Release Date
The game is developed by Shivam Mahaur under the banner of Mahaur Designs. This is my first game and I started working on the game 1 month ago. I am currently a student in Media Design School, Auckland.
Email – [email protected]
Facebook - @mahaurdesigns