
Comments (5)

What do you think?

I remeber this i play Mario the Puppetmaster Trilogy it was Great

I did a marathon of this series yesterday, overall it's slightly below average for me.

My gripes, which appear in each installment and thus cover all three games are few but significant for me :

1) Map design is too linear, with no secrets or hidden items to discover. Sure in the first chapter you can fight 8-bit Puppetmaster, but not only is that unfortunately the only game with a sorta secret boss fight, but after defeating him, all you get is 10 units of "Restore All Stats Mushroom".

2) The writing, while luckily not cringy, is very generic. Personally I was maybe hoping that in the Final Chapter, after having beaten Puppetmaster, he'd see the error of his ways and learn how to become succesfull from Mario, after which he could go back to his own timeline and right all the wrongs there. Not saying you had to do something like this but it would have been more unexpected and certainly original than just "I got all the power and will take over your world for me to rule alone".

3) On Standard the games are ridicously easy while on Extreme, they are nigh near impossible. Certainly for Puppetmaster 1, on Extreme I couldn't even get past the first unavoidable Goomba fight, I was missing at least 1 more HP recovery mushroom to beat it.

Even then I'd have to rely on pure RNG that said Goomba would miss attacks, which is mandatory given how he kills you in three hits. There's also very likely no reason to play on Extreme difficulty unless you're a masochist I assume unless this mode features hidden bosses or something like that?

4) Once you got enough HP, MP and Revive Mushrooms, there is no reason to fight regular enemies as they become nothing more than annoying travel interruptions. Since these games are clearly designed to be of the Boss Rush variety, perhaps you could have developed it more as such with no normal enemies.

5) My biggest issue though overall with all three games is that, despite you "bragging" about the variety of enemies, every boss felt the same to me as they all had pretty much the same skills in my experience. So really once you beat one boss, you beat them all, final bosses included. The only difference between one boss and the next is the "skin" it wore.

On a related note, I never felt like Waluigi's Defense and Attack Minus skills did anything. The former didn't make the bosses any weaker to special moves and the latter only had a minor effect on regular attacks which the bosses were very unlikely to do in favor of skills that one-shotted everyone except Luigi consistently.

6) I used the same strategy for every boss without flaw which is a sign of bad game design I believe.

Reduce everyone's skill cost with Luigi on turn 1, boost their stats on turn 2, refill his MP on Turn 2 or 3, and on the next turn just spam Star Frenzy/Spin Jump/Hammer Swing/Ground Pound/Claw Slash. Repeat when either MP reduction or stat boost ended with the occasional reviving and healing until boss is defeated.

So with all that said, below average for me. Decent time-waster and if your goal was to make a quick and simple RPG, you surely succeeded in doing so which I do not hold against you.


Mario: The PuppetMaster 3 - The Final Chapter

Version: 1.0.0almost 6 years ago
WARNING: Large file, make sure you have enough space on your hardrive.

With The PuppetMaster freed from the void, he begins his new plans. Luigi, Wario, Waluigi & Yoshi, now having rescued Mario, Must now begin their long journey to collect as many power stars as possible, in order to finally defeat The Puppetmaster, once and for all. It all ends here.

  • 8 Whole new worlds!

  • More than 50 different enemies!

  • Lots of hammer bros!

  • And more...


Mario: The PuppetMaster 1:
Mario: The PuppetMaster 2:



This is a free NON-PROFIT game, so please don't take it down. Most of the graphics and music were also made by Nintendo, more detailed credits are provided in-game. #fangame #adventure #rpg #strategy #textadventure #other

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
