Comments (3)
Hey man, really enjoyed playing this game! I love RPGMaker games and the way this one was going I think your ideas could be panned out in to even greater JRPG style games, even more than a Markiplier fan game! It was funny, had character, and the little letter at the end was really touching and I'm sure if Markiplier sees it/has seen it that he would think the same.
Yes, I did play it on my YouTube channel, but I did thoroughly enjoy playing this.
Thanks for making games, don't quit!
Here's part one of my three part series of this game
Part 1:
Part 2:
I keep forgetting how much I HATE RPG games. I can never complete them.
I am so making a video of this.
Markiplier Saves Christmas
Markiplier receives a strange letter from a strange town. Little does he know that the fate of Christmas will be in his hands!
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans