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this will be fun


Mashed Bandicoot: The Ultimate Terrible RPG Maker Meme Mashup

Version: 0.1.0over 6 years ago
AS OF NOW, THIS IS ONLY A DEMO. NOT THE FULL RELEASE. MUCH IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. However, it does give a good idea of what the final game will look like, so if you're planning on playing it when it gets a full release, get this first.

Based off of the popular YTP by our lord and savior NPCarlsson, this game is loosely based off Mashed Bandicoot, but in the style of an RPG, with many locations and people added to it. Follow Cortex, Robotnik, and Mario head as they travel around Wumpa Island on a wacky quest to take over the world, and crash on a quest to explore civilization and probably commit suicide at the end.
It's always been mind-blowing to see someone make a YTP story-based, while still being really funny and memorable, instead of just random video effects and audio distortions, so I decided to make a game out of one!

Keep in mind that this game is in very early development and much of it is subject to change, including this page.

Graphic Sexual Themes


where u at b

Made this thing (the starry background moves around)

retarted to do list