So this will basically be a run-down of everything i’m planning to do, as the very first alpha build will come out today/tomorrow. I’ve been working on this game off and on since late last year, and honestly, not much is done.
Here’s a list of what i need to do:
Sound Effects are really poorly made and need to be enhanced.
Character models somehow got messed up and have weird animations.
I will put Robotnik’s desk \/here\/ once i can find a full picture of it.

TVs around the world will say shit and have interactive games (kinda like pokemon)
A flashy animated opening cutscene
A battle system(?)
Find a way for Troops.json to stop deleting itself all the time.
find a way for the sewer minigame to work
make the sound effects not overlap
fix the HUD
actually finsh the thing lol