ATTENTION : RUNS ONLY ON ANDROID DEVICES WITH CONTROLLERS. NO TOUCHSCREEN SUPPORT ! Game works on OUYA, Nvidia Shield TV and most android devices with gamepads
This game is for 1,2,3 or 4 players!
You can also add one CPU player or play alone against the CPU!
It's best to invite some friends to play! :)
This game uses gamepads, but if you play alone against the CPU, you can also use a keyboard.
* Use the d-pad or the left analog stick to move your player.
* Press button O to make a smoke cloud. When your opponent walks through it, it will make him dizzy and slow. Best to drop it while he's right behind you.
* Press button A to walk through walls.
* After a win, the winner can be dizzy the next round.
* After each win, players might get new items.
* You can set the game to use items, or NOT to use items.
There is also a scrambler. This will scramble the maze after some random time.
If can be set to NO, +, ++ or +++. The higher the setting, the more often the maze will change. The exit might also be moved.
You can also set a handicap for each player (1,2,3,4,5).
Setting 1 means that the player is not very good, and will not receive much handicap. Setting 5 means that the player is good, and will get a huge handicap.
A heavier handicap means that this player is dizzy more often, and receives fewer items. A handicap can be set for each player to even out the skill level of each player.
Happy gaming :)