Comments (13)
I was just waiting for Dregg to mutter "Alternate... timelines..." and Ada would just be like "Oh, that explains everything. Does June work for a wedding?"
Holy guacamole, I loved this episode so much! I hadn't gotten into season two until today, and I am so glad I came back after a year or two of not keeping up with the series! I feel bad for Dregg though, I mean being rejected by who he thinks is his child and wife has gotta hurt. And everybody else being supportive-ish considering it's Dregg we're talking about was really nice to see
Right up to the point that I saw coming a mile away, in which Dregg is, once again, accused of being a total jackass. It was inevitable, I saw it coming, and I was still disappointed by these medieval simpletons misconstruing Dregg's words as being those of a terrible person. Can't he just be happy for once???!!!
Overall, great start to the season, Imma play the next ones!
If you're in need of a walkthrough or just like to watch a playthrough, this is a playlist of all the videos I made on the game, I uploaded it in a couple of parts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1q-DNbKauwKdTwSGYrvKHX_FwbVL3C1J
I'm surprised anyone believes Pear is his kid. She has pointy elf ears, and he has human ears. Clearly, he's just abducted and brainwashed some random elf kid.
Medieval Cop-S2-E1
Join Dregg and the gang in this opening episode of Season 2 as Dregg wakes up and tries to stop Draziel once and for all while coming to terms with the fact that he is now technically a husband... and a Father. #pointnclick #funny #goodmusic