
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Man this is pretty gay, but I'm kinda liking it. +rep

When the Clock Strikes Midnight is a text based horror game that focuses on the strange experiences of one man in his home on a cold December night. Despite the fact that this game is text based you may be surprised at just how creepy it truly is.

#horror #rpg #puzzle #retro #survival #strategy #textadventure

Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference
Strong Language

Progress is slow on alpha 4, and I am starting to have conflicts with other projects, and other duties I have outside of programming. As much as I love this project its not my top priority right now, so development is going kinda slow. Sorry guys.

I was talking with one of my friends about problems with this, and I want you all to know that for whatever reason launching this through the gamejolt client breaks it. So until further notice don't use the client to install and play it.

Now that its the weekend and the schoolyear is almost done I have lots of freetime. So hopefully I can finish most if not all of the alpha 4 update within the next couple days. I'll make sure to keep you all updated.

So I've been working on alpha 4 for a few days which would introduce propper file manipulation, and fix a couple bugs. I've been having some problems with conversion of data types, but I hope to have it solved by next Friday.

I have decided to make the testing builds public and thus available to everyone. Now I beg you all, go break my game so I can make it better.

I'm going to post a roadmap for bugfixes and new features within the next few days. I'm looking into better ways to post this kind of information as well as update it. If anyone has any suggestions on what I can use please tell me.

I'm going to go over a couple issues I've had reported to me since the launch of Alpha 2.
- Some antivirus software flags it
- Windows 10 appears to be the only working OS so far
- The commands suck
- Difficult to understand instructions

I'm having some trouble implementing commands, but I hope to have them working by the end of June. Right now I'm working on making certain parts of input optional. I have a couple ideas but I'm not quite sure how to implement them yet.

Alright so as promised here's the article. I'm working on making antivirus sofware not flagging the exe right now, so I don't know when I'll actually be able to release an Alpha to the public. But it'll happen soon enough.

I just pushed out Engine Test Alpha 2 to the private alpha team. That will probably be the last update for them until I finish the command system. I don't know when that will be. I think my next post will be an article explaining the command system.