Mind Terrors
The full version of the game. There may be bugs as it is the first version but it's completely playable.
A game that's not like anything you've experienced before. This is a horror game but the story is based off of nightmares, childhood memories, and generally disturbing events. I am currently developing this for a year 12 art project and the aim of it is to show what it's like to be inside the head of someone whos been accused of being disturbed, depressed and seen things noone should see. Warning this game has very dark themes and may offend because I've decided not to hold back and make it as dark as my mind can really be. All the art is in black and white except for the occasional bit of red and the I guess threats (because monsters sounds stupid) have very disturbing yet blurred and altered faces because at least for me whenever I wake up from a nightmare I never really remember the details of the threat's faces just that it was incredibly disturbing. I know this isn't the sort of game that will be for everyone but when it is released I hope you at least give it a go because it's not going to be like anything else you've experienced. Inspired by games like Mad Father, and Neverending Nightmares this game will be released by the middle of this year because I want to make sure it's perfect to me before I release it and not rush it. There will also be a mobile version for android devices which may come out on the same day the pc version is released or a couple days later.
Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Graphic Sexual Themes
Strong Language