Minecraft v0.9
Minecraft v1.0 (caves and cliffs experiment)
changed combat system so that instead of timing your attacks you now can just hold z to attack instead
There's now ancient hunts in progress when you battle powerful mobs but you get gilded items and the gilded variants are yellow looking and their power is 10x stronger than the normal items, let me know if anybody want's to try the first ancient mob
Whops I was busy for a while there's a HUGE update in progress and that is the nether, bow's and temples.
so my friend is making a cursed difficulty and when I tried it, I died, here's what he changed so far: tools have a 20% chance to instantly break, saving closes your game, blocks explode when mined, mobs cannot die & trying to mine diamonds turns to lava
I think that it sucks in minecraft you cannot see your durability of your stuff so I made that a reality and sorry I forgot to mention it, press d to switch from bars to numbers and same for the reverse! (works on both versions)