Comments (12)
Hey there! I had a lot of fun playing your game! I love the calm atmosphere, had a relaxing touch :D
The characters also look pretty cute :3
What I would wish for the game is a pause screen, I accenditaly closed the game with esc xD
I recorded my first play and edited it, its in german though c:
Hey I saw your comment I fixed the link if you could check out my vid now that would be great be sure to visit Voidusks vid that will be in the description as well!!!
Also if you could comment I love comments!!!
Hey there! I included your game into my Featured Friday :D its a double feature I publish together with Youtuberbryce!
That game has a great potential and with some improvement you can even make it to Steam I would say!
check out my vid :)
Hey man me and another Youtuber named Voidusk have included your game in our Featured Friday series, I have to say this is one of the best Indie games I have played so far & I had much fun with it hope you can watch, Like & Comment on my Video review of your game!!!
Cute graphics, fun game! I included it in my Ludum Dare 38 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)
Miniverse - Webgl
Miniverse - Windows
lighthearted whimsical look at everyday trash being used as epic battle arsenal by tiny gods traveling on small worlds.
Somewhere between Deep cosmic galaxies and the vast open crevices of your couch, gods BATTLE to prove who among them is the miniest of the minis.\
Made for Ludum Dare 38
music: Julian Alvarez
art/animation: DannyPixel