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Dear Gamer, Before downloading v 0.1.1 (the latest one) please make sure you are not prone to epilepsy. I am not to be held responsible if any users of this game experiences seizures or any other medical condition set off by this package.
Cookie Bin And Coke Pony Game development
A few rights reserved
Live long and Prosper
- Doctor Who, From Star wars or something I guess I dunno I mean how am I meant to know I mea-
Have you ever wanted to chat with a world wide network of skrubs? well now you can, with brand new MSN BEta, the best chatting tool on the market. includes:
Super fast BT fibre optic broadband
a logo
a chat box
and thats it
version 0.1.1 is not to be played by people with epilepsy. I am not to be held responsibe for any damage caused to users of this game
Drug Reference
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Crass Humor