Comments (9)
here is a picture i made for you

How most of the meme bosses have the right to have such awesome and epic soundtracks?!
Yes, I played your first game in here just for the heck of curiosity and lols.
Completed it. Loopy credits! Yay!
Still gotta beat the secret pink boss, the only thing pending to do... last time, she roasted me... because I didn't have MeGusta in my party at the time!
a masterpiece
Join 4 ragecomic memes as they travel around Memeland in an attempt to stop the evil Illuminati...
Dead Memes
Overused Cliches
Cringy dialouge
Stupid boss fights
And much more stupid crap!
I made this game a long time ago, so it's pretty cringy, but i hope you enjoy anyways!
Also, let me know if you find any bugs so i can fix them =)
MLGRPG2: https://gamejolt.com/games/mlgrpg2/322680
MLGRPG3: https://gamejolt.com/games/mlgrpg_3/329311
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference