
Comments (1)

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Was this made in VX Ace?


MLP: Castle of Darkness (part 1)

Version: 0.1.0almost 6 years ago

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Pinkie and Applejack live together, unfortunately their financial conditions are not very good, thanks to some events they solve to venture in search of a castle of darkness,to save his village and the people trapped in that castle.

To download the game you will need the rpg maker vx ace rtp

#mylittlepony #pinkiejack #applepie #applejack #pinkiepie #rpgmaker #mlpcastleofdarkness #castleofdarkness #adventure

Comical Shenanigans

Promotional Art

The bugs are fine fixed !!

now you can enjoy the part 1 of the game
i hope so much that you like it <3
if you played this game coment in this gamejolt pag what you think about it

thanks so much guys!!!

I'm sorry, but the game will have to go through a reform
because I had a bug at the time of battle
sorry for all, today was to release the version without bug
I'm so sorry guys ;--;