Comments (184)
Yo hice un gameplay de esto Jaja y me asuste cuando me aparecio Momo, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEAYDdIkWts
This is a pretty intense game. It definitely has a Hardcore creepypasta vibe from the beginning and the atmosphere to back it. The game is pretty difficult if played blind! It is seemingly impossible to outrun Momo. I got stuck a few times and she walked through walls once or twice, but eventually I learned tricks to survive each step. The game gets monotonous after a while of repeating everything, but that’s how most stealth horror games are anymore. It’s super satisfying completing this one. I had a blast! Thanks for making it!
pueden sacar una version para 32 bits plis
Nice game! I enjoyed playing it a lot :D
MOMO IS FAKE IN REAL LIFE reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
MOMO is a horror game based on the history of the whatssap user "momo", in the game, you will be a guy that contacts momo by whatsapp, and now he will be pursued by the monster of momo.

You will have to complete some tasks before get rescued, like search things, hide, close doors, etc.

The objetive is to survive until the timer reachs 00:00 then, the police will arrive and you would able to escape.