Comments (7)
Good graphics! nice job men! :D
clever game takes something as simple as pointing in multiple directions and makes it unique by limiting you to only shoot in one direction which adds so much challenge 5\5
Unique puzzle platformer!
One direction only shooting is really limiting, being a run & gun fan, that's quite annoying!
But I'm also puzzle game fan, and after playing couple levels, I understand the idea of this :D. Good challenge!
Boss fights (which I didn't expect) are good. Too bad the last boss is kinda weak compared to the first one. His shoot is bigger but he's more fragile than first boss.
I believe it would be better if it works like this:
Player must press 2 switches at bottom of room at same time (know what I mean?) to move movable block at top to 'correct position'
The boss is not dizzied at all IOW he's active at all times
The boss shoots projectile targetted at player making it harder to stand still
After boss receives a hit, that movable block is resetted
At last HP, boss starts moving left and right
This means the room must be redesigned and some platforms are removed leaving the ones to climb to top
Speaking of boss fight, you should've made a boss fight with this setup:Boss is flying below and shoots upwards while moving left and right
There's no ground meaning falling = death
Solar beam for shooting downward is available at entrance. This means player fights this boss while floating continuously by shooting downwards
Boss has shield above him with certain color ;). Yes, just like the eggs, shield can only be destroyed with matching shot color
Boss reactivate his shield after it has been destroyed with randomized color
I'm suggesting this for 2nd stage boss cause that's the place with proper weapon ;). I hope that's understandable :)Anyways, I've finished this game and had some fun playing it! thank you :)
Love the little green space man! :D
Cool game! Nice art and music... my shooting was "stuck" to the left.. that was part of the game? or is an error? Anyway, great game overall! :D
You are returning home from a routine mission when your ship's radar picks up a strange signal. The Signal is coming from an alien space station. Who could have built it in the middle of nowhere?
MonoDi is a platformer which includes some puzzle and story elements. The game contains three sections which each have unique weapon to play with. You can change the shooting direction of your weapon only by using the solar wind streams which can be found in almost every level.
MonoDi Gifs:
Sector 2: http://i.imgur.com/YPrQpVl.gif
Solar wind stream: http://i.imgur.com/dbeONm0.gif