Comments (12)
I thought this game was enjoyable, though I would say the field of vision is still a bit too limiting and I took more than a little damage from enemies seemingly appearing from out of nowhere. It would be nice to have a field of vision booster either as a stat or an upgrade to buy from the merchant.
Really fun action roguelike. I like the graphical style a lot (I guess it might throw off people not used to roguelikes, even though it is much more friendly than ASCII graphics). I guess I'd like to see more enemy variety earlier in the game. And some items that do things like help you detect trapped chests or that act as armor. Why isn't shot power (increased damage) an upgrade? Also, I think the upgrades after level 2 are maybe too expensive.
Good start, the controls are a bit off but nothing that can't be fixed. The font is glitchy though, makes it hard to read. The enemies were getting glued to the walls a bit too much, also it was a bit unpleasant how first there's nothing for quite some time and then, due to limited vision, I bump into an enemy.
not a game for everyone, because the abstract graphics, But the rouguelike feel and gameplay are really cool.The sounds are truly amazing. Just the graphics... they look like they are provisory.
It's interesting for sure, but I found it hard to grasp the art style. It was pretty hard to tell what was what.
The atmosphere is nice, and so is the sound.
Not bad, overall. Certainly unique, as far as I know.
Caverns of Shrug
Descend in to the monochrome Caverns of Shrug to find the legendary Power of Shrug, or something. Developed for the 7 Day Rougelike Challenge, this action-adventure-RPG thing takes random level generation, lootin' and permadeath and wraps it in a real time strafe-shootin' duvet.
Abstract, spooky and some measure of fun!
Move with the cursor keys, shoot with 'Z' and interact with 'X'
Spend XP on the level glyphs to increase your stats. They all do useful things!
Spend loot at the Merchant to upgrade your offensive capabilities!
The game will save every time you clear 5 floors, and you can resume your progress from there
If you die, you're gonna have to restart from the beginning! Don't die!
Legendary Heroes will be immortalised on the leaderboards, if you make it to the end.
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans