Comments (12)
Music is excellent! I also really like the background effect with the boxes overlapping, fading and panning. Really fits with the mood.
Good shm'up! It doesn't have many sprites but it surely has many contents
Great game. I like the green in the background. Gives the game nice ambient feel.
"jelinib pls come down"
You can go ahead and delete that 400K score--it's not legit, as I was mostly hanging out off-screen, sometimes shooting downward at them if I was in range. :P
But I too am a fan of the background effects, was terrified by the rushing cyclopsquids, and the game did keep my attention for about 40 minutes (?!) until it told me I rock.
Fabulous! 5/5
Really cute little game! I included it in part 15 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)
Moonlighter - 960x640 (Recommended) - Use FireFox if Chrome doesn't work
Moonlighter - 1920x1280 (For High Resolution Displays)
Laika has a 2nd job protecting the universe. Collect multipliers, powerups, and destroy 8 unique enemies to get the new highscore.
Bones make you big and have a small explosion radius which will instantly kill anything that is following you.
There are 10 unique levels to complete in order to beat the game.
Additional attribution to Eric Skiff for the background music.
NOTE: If you're using Chrome try 'Right-Click' -> 'Run this plug-in'. Use FireFox with Unity Web Plugin if that doesn't work. Thanks for playing!
Webplayer Release First Playable
After ~16 hours of work the first playable has been released. Comment if you notice any bugs. #indiesvsgamers