Comments (2)
Its cute I would like it if the character would go a little faster.
Morin: Lapis Selai dan Jelly
Morin – Lapis Selai & Jelly is up and can be played by all of you. We are cooperated with Morin Foods and GamesOne to let this game comes true. This game can be played in. This game is made for everyone. Morin games goes with the time and stock management genre. It lets you to serve the customer well and prepare the stock carefully.
In this game we should know what the people want by look at their order. After that there are two steps that you can do to fulfill the customer’s order . First step is make the bread. The bread is infinite, so you don’t have to worry about the stock. The second step is make the topping. The topping has its limit, so make sure you keep the stock ready to the customer. Before and after each stage, we can prepare the topping by buying the ingredients and then mix it.
You can also mix the Morin’s bottle in order to upgrade your character’s performance to serve the customer. You can speed up the microwave cooking time, topping making time and your character’s movement speed.