
MPaliens - arena shooter for 2-4 players [DEMO]

Indiegogo: https://igg.me/at/mpaliens
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tecka32620497
VK: https://vk.com/skullboxgames
Discord: https://discord.gg/XWuMGMV
Humans, robots and aliens will battle for glory (bacon or tako) on a different arenas,
with different weapon.Win and blasting your friends with railgun, plasmagun, grenade launcher or RPG, use any traps, jump pads, teleports to your advantage.
Local multiplayer for 2-4 players.
17+ weapons.
4+ skins.
6+ levels with different mechanisms.
Walljump, slideshoots, teleportshoot and other different mechanics.
WSAD - Movement; Arrow keys - Movement;
J - Shoot; 1- Shoot;
K - Knife; 2 - Knife;
L - Drop; 3- Drop;
Gamepad control:
DPad or LStick - Movement;
R1 - Shoot (without weapon knife);
A - Jump;
X - Knife;
B - Drop;