
Comments (219)

What do you think?

I like rusty spoons...

I just figured the game out.... But I most likely know too much about it, if you right click on the game and click properties you will see the description of the game is "don't let the shadow man escape" and you play as the shadow man in the game.... and when you get away from the cat when it glitches out the shadow man whispers "thank you" Because WE LET HIM ESCAPE INTO OUR WORLD! THAT CAT WAS TRYING TO STOP HIM BUT WE DIDNT LET HIM

I have played the game. Sincerely, I do not have words to describe how amazing your idea is, Sr. James Earl. The first time I've played, my experience was short and shocking, but then I realised that the real game was far beyond the .exe file you have put for download. The real joy of playing the game is all the browser exploration, puzzle solving that you introduce for us in the social media. It's really amazing. A whole new concept made with a lot of effort that make even the creators of creepypasta like MarbleHornets proud. I'll keep tracking your new projects... Simply loved it!


Why do people think that this is cursed? No game or any other media can't put a curse on you. Want Proof? Sorry, this is all that I can give.

um ok??? i just played the game and now im confused


Mr. Kitty Saves the World

Version: 1.0.0over 11 years ago

Harvey Johnson joined my crew at and was to prove his tallent by participating in the GameBoyJam. About halfway through the jam, he decided to take a break from games and do some urban exploration of an abandonded facility a few hours away from his appartment.

Harvey found a CD and a note addressed to him in one of the abandoned buildings. I know this because he later tweeted a picture of it at me accusing me of planting it as a joke.

A day later, I heard he wasn't responding to people, so I went to see if he was doing alright. His apartment appeared untouched when I arrived, sans a glitched game screen and a sheet of paper saying "James upload this game." I didn't want to upload it, but I couldn't shake off the whispering I heard in the dark and the feeling that I was being watched. This went on for a full day until I finaly caved in and uploaded it. I don't feel as afraid in the dark anymore, but I will never open this game.

I uploaded some footage I got from his phone, and a few relevant pictures here. I just want to make sure people know what they're getting into. I'm afraid that if I try to hide the game, the shadows will come back, and I don't want to end up like Harvey.

Last bits of info on Harvey:

I linked the game's webpage to Harvey's page as I feel that's the most relevant. And I refer to whatever was stalking me as 'shadows' because I found several links to this site in his browser history:

His profile on SeemPoint:

New information since the game's upload:

Since "Mr. Kitty Saves the World" was upload on GameJolt, it has been featured, posted on a few blogs, as well as in some forums. In other words, it has been played more than once. At first, I wondered if I had imagined it all. Maybe Harvey did just leave. Maybe the shadows were all in my head and the voices just paranoia. But then I was contacted by several game survivors, people who received similar instructios to what I have gotten. The most shocking example was brought to my attention by Nik Sudan who left Mr. Kitty in his downloads folder and woke up with this on his arm:

In case you wonder if it was a prank pulled by a friend, he lives alone.

In terms of gameplay, from what I've seen of other people playing it, it seems that Mr. Kitty Saves the World is a finite runner.

As a warning: If you play this game and are contacted by whatever created it, please be willing to disapear. I know this sounds awful, but it has become extremely apparent that by following their instructions and not just disapearing, the game will continue to claim more lives. I am now sure that Harvey was doing the world a favor by letting it take him. Whereas I've hurt humanity by giving in.


Someone made a tumblr to warn others about Mr. Kitty

Please please be warned

Don't play this please.

I know writing a News Article draws attention to games, but I’m doing this as a public warning. Bad things have happened around this game. Don’t touch it. Please, they almost got me and my friend is gone for good.