I have posted this under the game’s information section as well as here
Since “Mr. Kitty Saves the World” was upload on GameJolt, it has been featured, posted on a few blogs, as well as in some forums. In other words, it has been played more than once. At first, I wondered if I had imagined it all. Maybe Harvey did just leave. Maybe the shadows were all in my head and the voices just paranoia. But then I was contacted by several game survivors, people who received similar instructios to what I have gotten. The most shocking example was brought to my attention by Nik Sudan who left Mr. Kitty in his downloads folder and woke up with this on his arm: https://twitter.com/NikSudan/status/357877283018665985/photo/1
In case you wonder if it was a prank pulled by a friend, he lives alone.
As a warning: If you play this game and are contacted by whatever created it, please be willing to disapear. I know this sounds awful, but it has become extremely apparent that by following their instructions and not just disapearing, the game will continue to clame more lives. I am now sure that Harvey was doing the world a favor by letting it take him. Whereas I’ve hurt humanity by giving in.