
Comments (1)

What do you think?

For a first game this is not bad. It was quite challenging here and there - although a couple of times even went into the rage game territory.

Couple of thoughts:

  1. As far as I can tell eating bananas doesn't help you in weight loss, because it has lots of calories.

  2. Pay a little bit more attention on the controls and how does it feel controlling the game overall.

  3. Try to add a little bit more variety between the different levels. A couple of extra assets here and there can do wonders.

That's all. I hope I could help. Keep it up!


Mr Dante Hull' Adventures

Version: 1.0.0over 4 years ago
Mr Dante Hull's adventures


Mr Dante Hull is a fat guy and he wants to lose weight so he decided that he will be running around and eating bananas so he could lose weight.


Arrow keys to move

Shift to jump

This is a platformer game in which you hve to collect all of the bananas in the level and avoid donuts.

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