Comments (7)
ficou lgal mais troca os comandos para W,A,S,D fica mais facil para jogar
mano seu jogo ta muito bom so tem um problema quando ele chega na aqua ele nao conseque sair
ei mano ta ficando muito bom serio so arruma algus bugs na agua pq toda ves q eu passo la eu fico bugado e nois eu vo te ajuda com esse jogo tamos juntos nessa ta ficando legal
new VERSION release
bugfixes: stuff idk or i forgot
new feature:
added support for w a s d
added new enemy
added sound
now the game change your cursor to a custom one
new VERSION release the first got deleted
bug fixes:
-fixed when going to the hiding animation make the player go -1 on the y axis
-fixed other bugs by my self
new features :
-new particles when landing
-new swiming animation
-2 new levels
just a game im making for fun,you can also test it.
if you want you can find bugs and report them to me
at my discord teh404guy#4240