Comments (15)
All Metal slug series are in one game, 4 player support, and all soldiers are here! This is Metal slug version of KOF Allstar!
i can't wait next version on more enemies, more bosses, and online mode!
this incredible friend I am waiting for a new version to upload it to my channel is great
Ummmhhhh... My windows 10 defender blocks it.
But not only blocks the download 1 time. no no no no It blocks it 2 times! plus when i try to start it smartscreen said that no you can't start this becouse IT'S A FU***G RANSOMWARE so... It's safe?
Note:If my ortographi it's a s**t it's becouse i'm spanish
how do i use vulcan punch for ralf
Metal Slug Forever [0.1][No audio][Godot Version]
Metal Slug Forever [Lastest][No audio][Flash Version]
Metal Slug Forever [2.3][With launcher][Flash Version]
Metal Slug Forever is a 4 player co-op Fan Game made by Imaginex Films and Games for free.
Metal Slug: Super vehicle 001, Metal Slug 2: Super vehicle 001/II, Metal Slug X: Super vehicle 001, Metal Slug 3, Metal Slug 4, Metal Slug 5, Metal Slug 6, Metal Slug 7 and Metal Slug XX are all owned by SNK Playmore, Nazca Corporation, Mega Enterprise and Noise Factory.
Please support the official releases.
#action #fangame #multiplayer #arcade #platformer #retro #shooter