Comments (32)
I have not played this game since 0.46.0, I went under names such as "MadZStudios" "BlueLion" back then. But the thing is I grew out of this. The reason? Lack of updates and community contributions.
The community doesn't really have a voice here, (at least, english voices.) this is because of the mainly spanish people behind this game. Not saying it is bad, but the english customer support is terrible.
Updates are slow, it took almost two years to get from 0.46.0 to 0.49.0.
Please, follow my advice. Incorporate english creators (like myself, hint hint.) to help the english community of this game farther, which currently the discord server does NOT account for.
-From the OG creator that has played this game since the first release. BlueLion, MikeWazowskiStudios, and MadZStudios.
Review for version 0.46.0
Enemies: Pretty standard new enemies but add more options for levels like a player graveyard!
Menu Updates: All themes and characters have been updated and redone, new menu and amazing.
Most things I didn't cover will be covered in the review for 0.47.0
7/10 - Amazing alternative to Mario Maker, download for a great experience.
Could you add a female playable character?
Platform Creator
A game to create your own platforms levels, play them and share them.

Create your own platform levels with the various objects that are at your disposal, you will have different types of floors, a variety of platforms, blocks, items and enemies.
Change the visual appearance of the game with the different themes and characters available in the store.

*More than 150 objects.
Blocks and platforms
Effects (New)
*5 environments with variations.
Land (Day, Day-Night Cycle, Night)
Underground (Half light, Darkness, Lighting)
Underwater (Clean, Polluted)
Lost forest (Mist, Clear, Smog, Rain)
Castle (Normal, Hard)
*Different types of goals to clear the level.
Reach the flag
Defeat certain enemies
Collect certain objects
Make certain score
open a certain amount of chests
Open a certain amount of chests.
Lead to Goal x Item. (New)
Do not defeat more than x amount of x Enemies. (New)
Do not collect more than x amoun of x Items. (New)
Break x amount of x Blocks. (New)
*Local and online game mode.
*2 Players Mode (beta).
*Multiplayer Mode (alfa).*
*Themes and Characters Store.
*Points and Ranges system.
*Graphical interface easy to understand.

Once you have created your level, you can play it locally or export it online so that it can be played all over the world.

I appreciate your support by leaving a comment and if is posible, a donation so that I can continue with my projects and get ahead in a personal way, thank you.
-For now the Multiplayer mode can only be played through a VPN (tested with ZeroTie One on Windows and Android).
-In Multiplayer mode, in order for you to be a VPN ADMINISTRATOR and host sessions, you must open TCP ports 6510, 6511 and UDP 6510, 6511 on your modem settings.
Crea tu propio nivel de plataformas con los diversos objetos que están a tu disposición, contaras con diferente tipos de pisos, una variedad de plataformas, bloques, items y enemigos.
Cambia la apariencia visual del juego con los diferentes temas y personajes disponibles en la tienda.
*Más de 150 objetos.
Bloques y plataformas
Efectos (Nuevo)
*5 tipos de ambientes con variaciones.
Aire Libre (DÃa - Ciclo dÃa/noche - Noche)
Bajo tierra (Media luz - Oscuridad - Iluminado)
Bajo agua (Limpia - Contaminada)
Bosque perdido (Niebla - Despejado - Niebla toxica - Lluvia)
Castillo (Normal - DifÃcil)
*Diferentes tipos de metas a cumplir para terminar el nivel.
Tomar la bandera
Derrotar ciertos enemigos
Juntar ciertos objetos.
Juntar una cantidad de puntos
Abrir cierta cantidad de cofres
Lleva a la Meta x Item. (Nuevo)
No derrotar más de x cantidad de x Enemigos. (Nuevo)
No juntar más de x cantidad de x Items. (Nuevo)
Rompe x cantidad de x Bloques. (Nuevo)
*Modo de juego local y en linea.
*Modo 2 Jugadores (beta).
*Modo Multijugador (alfa).*
*Tienda de Temas y Personajes.
*Sistema de Puntos y Rangos.
*Interfaz gráfica fácil de comprender.
Una vez creado tu nivel podrás jugarlo localmente o exportarlo en linea para que pueda ser jugado por todo el mundo.*
Agradezco tu apoyo dejando un comentario y si te es posible una donación para que pueda continuar con mis proyectos y salir adelante de modo personal, gracias.
-De momento el modo Multijugador solo se puede jugar mediante una VPN (testeado con ZeroTie One en Windows y Android).
-En el modo Multijugador para que puedas ser ADMINISTRADOR de una VPN y alojar sesiones debes abrir forzosamente los puertos TCP 6510, 6511 y UDP 6510, 6511 en la configuración de tu modem.
#platformer #retro #pixelart #indie #creator #maker #mario #online #puzzle
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence