Comments (31)
Love the graphics and game! I included it in part 1 of my Familiar Game Jam 4 compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)
Fun and nice graphics !!
Excellent work! Awesome music (way too similar to the original? :D) and nice graphics. I liked how the multipass (and the Milla Jovovich attached to it) was part of the game mechanic, turning around, dodging, and so on.
Great game!
Bueno, enhorabuena, chavales
El juego está bastante divertido. Me lo conseguà pasar en la jam, aquà en mi casa me está costando porque no tengo ni ratón ahora mismo XD
Also great time waster, loved it :)
Topdown shooter, in the vein of SmashTV. Reach the spaceport while defending the pure one from the evil Mangalorelorean aliens. You will find upgrades and weapons in some rooms but... are they really worth it? You're in a hurry after all.
Is slightly based in a movie. A pretty great one.
Art by Petrut Neacsu , Music by Fran Romguer, Coded by Maikel Ortega
Made for the awesome #familiargamejam4 in 48h