Comments (9)
Hey Hamish, hope you're well. I'm working on a gaming feature for ITN productions and was wondering if I could get in touch with you to discuss your Music of the Spheres game. Please feel free to email me on [email protected]. thanks :)
Looks intersting.
I like how sometimes I don't know how to do it and I just do it ( finish the stage )
Unzip and open the exe!
Music of the Spheres is a puzzle-shooter. It's about patterns. And it's about bouncing bullets. Bullets that play glockenspiel notes when they bounce.
Music of the Spheres' puzzles are designed to show you as many interesting things as possible, as concisely as possible. Nothing is repeated, and nothing is meaningless. Wherever possible, environments are composed to embody some pattern. The game is influenced by Islamic art, and the expressive level design of Portal and Braid.
"Half-toy, half-puzzle, and wholly delightful, MotS is a joy to tinker with. You'll be left scratching your head sometimes, but always wanting more."
~Rich Stanton, eurogamer
"There's a beauty in the apparent simplicity of the design, which like much that is contemplative is far more complex than it first appears. It's somehow reassuring to play a puzzle game that is entirely disinclined to frustrate, hoping to create mindful, soothing spaces instead."
~Adam Smith, Rockpapershotgun
"Really enjoying it"
~Jonathan Blow, designer, Braid