Comments (14)
really cute, actually challenging, good job
great game, can you make it any longer
kind of hard to get the hang of it, but once you do it's a riot! had a really fun time playing it
Loved playing this game! Even though we struggled to get the hang of it at first, once we got the rhythm down, its was 100% addictive fun. Following in hopes that there might be more Mutant Molerat love in the future. - Frogbat
Good Morrow all my NoBros come check out m video on this hilarious game and Mr Game Developer I would really love to see more of this game !!!!
Mutant Molerat Matchmaker
Explore the dating/mating scene of naked mutant molerats who wear hats. This is a 1-button game (spacebar) which combines 3 very different mini games for the #OneTapJam game jam.
More info on #OneTapJam: http://jams.gamejolt.io/onetapjam The theme of the jam was "Mutation".
Molerat mating consists of 3 parts:
1. Mate Selection. Use the in-game app to select matches from a nearly limitless pool of candidates. Watch how they dance, look at their likes, dislikes, and personality to determine suitability. (I didn't get to make the scoring portion of this part. For now, it just affects the skills in the second part...
2. Reaching the Date. Navigate through the subterrain venue to reach the mate's burrow. Avoid lava, radioactive waste, surface creatures, and getting lost. Tap when the paw hovers over the command you want to issue.
3. Mating. Molerat dates do not involve much courtship. They get right down to the mating. Help the special mutant sperm reach the egg first by swimming hard! Mash the spacebar frantically or time your taps optimally to swim faster.
Then in another 20 molerat years, it starts all over again with the next generation.
Music: "Hustle" by Kevin Macleod. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.