Comments (9)
Lovely graphics, I didnt get too far into it sadly. I included it in my Asylum Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to check it out. https://youtu.be/V7u_EzV3fiA

I don't have a F1 key, I cant figure out the controls, so I cannot play your game.
I liked the atmosphere, but I did have some issues. I hope you can improve on them and make thegame as epic as possible. :) https://youtu.be/sHvfd5sFd2U?t=11m21s
Heya Fellow Player ! Thanks a lot for your work, your honests comments are indeed very usefull. Glad you liked it !
Hey there, I finished a gameplay and I enjoyed it a lot, the concept was interesting and I saw some funny things too, I am pleased to add it to my Asylumjam2015 collection. Gameplay link is below:
Youtube: Fellowplayer
Two Boats Crashed part 1 & 2 PC
Heya ! I'm Edo Miyamoto from Edocentrique !
This is my entry for the #asylumjam2015
I did asylumjam in 2013 and made a game very similar to this one, but this is a complete reboot started from scratch !
Controls help can be found by pressing F1 at anytime.
Please note that I had a massive bug with the build (thanks unity) so I had to reimport everything, and some elements may have moved a bit. Due to the 48hrs, I didn't have the time to replace everything as it was. If you see a major glitch please advise !
Basic Controls
Move: W S A D
Pick up / use item: F
Fire: Mouse click 1
Jump: Space
Pause: TAB
Ragequit: ESC
You can also edit the controls by selecting the "Input" tab when you launch the game (in the launcher, before the main game actually launch)
For those who really don't know what to do, just have to pick up a knife first
Known bugs
-The house in the part 2 doesn't have collider, so you can break the game from here (will be fix after the jam) (courtesy to McCloud for finding this obvious one that I didn't catch during devtime !)