Comments (4)
I really don't want to say this but you should use rpgXP or VX for encripting your data sooo people don't have to download rpg2003.
i know 2003 is a lot of fun but you know...
also you can code fun things in xp and vx
Hey, sorry, but do I need another application to run the game? I don't normally play RPG Maker games, so this is a bit new to me. Anyways, thanks. Seems like a fun game...
Mutos is about a psychnaut named Elsa who travels deep into her subconscious to discover and confront the things that pop into her head. Using completely original graphics and imagery taken from the author's own psychonautic adventures, this is a truly original game that will both captivate and scare many.
It is a short game, taking only about half an hour to play, but you won't regret it.