
Comments (6,936)

What do you think?

like if you want back the PvP arena

Look, Afanguy isn't going to accept any more skin requests. You should rack off with them.

A LOT goes into making a game like this and I mean a LOT! It doesn't just happen overnight. Afanguy needs to add features and iron out all the errors and that takes skills and a WHOLE LOT of time. How about you go download a game engine like Game Maker 8.1 (or RPG Maker XP, if you really want a challenge) and try making a full, complete game from scratch. In fact, get Game Maker 8.1 and the Game Maker Server extension and try to reproduce Mysterytale Online and see how far you get without blowing your top off and smashing up your computer in a temper tantrum. Oh, and you get one week to accomplish it, since that's how much patience you guys have. Hmph, I don't think you'll even be able to get Multiplayer to work, huh. Listen, I have troubles developing even basic computer games using Game Maker 8.1. It took me days to complete a stupid quiz game and I had to iron out heaps of errors. I think you'll be completely overwhelmed by the engine's interface anyway.

TL;DR: Stop putting so much pressure on Afanguy! It's NOT as simple as a Level Editor!

Honestly seeing this comment section makes me sad, really really sad, its just a bunch of impatient people or/and people that want to get unbanned, even thought nobody plays this game anymore.

Look i know, you think this game is dead and you might be right but constantly saying "when update" isnt gonna help, in fact it will just make it worse. We don't ever know if this game will come back and honestly we might never know but please be patient, game developing is hard, this comes from someone who tried it himself. So even if you think this game is dead leave it alone, and even if you dont, please dont just spam "where update" cause its not as easy as you probably think.

And well if afanguy ever reads this i wanna say, take your time, do what you want, cause if you do this game will turn out incredible.

Like you said in one of your comments from months ago, rushing the game will make it go extremely unpolished and you dont want that. so please dont listen to comments about updates and work at your pace, cause when some news finally come out we will be here. I just hope this game still has some hope left cause i would love for this update to get to see the light of the day, but even if that doesnt happen thank you for making such an awesome game i have quite a bit of memory's of pvp'ing and messing around with my friends in this game.
Also sorry for this bunch of words i just really wanted to express my thoughts, and thanks for reading till here.

Before commenting, please make sure to refer to the FAQ in the page description! It saves us a lot of time!


MYSTERYTALE Online 1.0 Public BETA

Version: 1.0.0about 1 year ago
A public BETA version of the 1.0 Update. Beware, there are bugs and glitches abound. Saving is not possible in this build.


Version: 0.12.1almost 5 years ago

Woodmantale Online 3D (April Fools 2020)

Version: 0.0.0almost 5 years ago

WoodmanTale Online (April Fools 2018)

Version: 7.7.7almost 7 years ago
nice >:]

Join my Discord Server to recieve more frequent development progress on all of my dumb games and infos on what I'm up to!

(Users must at least be 13 years of age as per Discord's terms of service.)


The description is not always up-to-date. Please keep that in mind.

Mysterytale Online is a fan-MMO based on Toby Fox's Undertale. Explore the original maps, defeat other players in PvP and do whatever!

Please read the FAQ further down below before commenting!

This game is still in an early state and the final product will likely be different. There will probably be bugs and lack of promised content. Thanks for your understanding.

If you have problems with your account, please head on over to, thanks!

5d0d269d9d736.png a fan-made online multiplayer game based on the amazing RPG UNDERTALE by Toby Fox.

Take control of Frisk once again and interact with players from around the world! Fight or talk your way through the masses, it's your choice.

What does this game have to offer?

  • A gameplay experience that is very accurate to the original game!

  • It's online!

  • Take control of your favorite Undertale Bosses and their abilities in combat with Froggits and even in PvP!

  • Thanks to GameMaker Server, you can login using the same account you might've used when playing other GameMaker Server Games, such as 'Don't Forget' by RickyG

  • Discord Rich Presence Support! Let your friends on Discord know who you are playing as without telling them!

  • A Text-Box-based Chat-system featuring many different character expressions! Up to 400 different character expressions in total!

  • Dogs!

  • 55+ skins from the original Undertale, Deltarune and even some other games

  • It's still online!

  • Fan of "AUs"? The Underswap Skelebrothers are around too! (Just remember that we will not add any other AU-characters)

  • More Dogs!

  • The goat, that people call their goat mother!

  • You can even play as the dogs!

  • DOGS!

  • Customizable Descriptions that will appear when other players check your stats on the overworld or in PvP

  • A hub-area that allows you to easily travel between all the different places you've been to

  • Spep

I will post development updates once in a while, so make sure you follow this game if you want to stay up to date on informations surrounding the game! If you want even more frequent updates, join our Discord server, the invite link to which can be found further above.


Q: Wasn't this game cancelled?
A: No. No it wasn't.

Q: I forgot my password!
A: That's not a question, but you can visit to reset your password!

Q: Why are there all these characters from other games?
A: These are, fairly often, based on my current interests as I develop the game. If you really want to, you could make a character-study about my interests while developing this game. Except Bendy. I don't like Bendy.

Q: Can you make a Mac version?
A: Previously I had problems trying to compile a version for Mac OS. That was on inferior hardware though. I'll definitely be trying to make a Mac release of the game.

Q: How do I talk?
A: It's explained in the game, but in case you missed it, you need to press T.

Q: How do I change my skin?
A: Simply access your Cellphone from your menu and access the Skins Menu.

Q: The game doesn't work for some reason.
A: Get on the Discord. Maybe others there can help you with your problem.

Q: Can you please add XY?
A: Please direct all suggestions to the Discord Server.

Q: Can you please add XY from the AU YX?
A: No. There won't be any other AU skins besides the Swap Bros, stop asking.

Q: How can I be an Admin?
A: You can always apply for a team position via the Discord Server!

Q: Can I be a VIP?
A: No.

Q: Can i be a Super-VIP?
A: No.

Q: Please I have 20 subscribers on YouTube, please let me be a VIP!
A: No.

Q: Can you unban me?
A: If you're banned, you've been banned for a reason. Most bans are just for a few days, so if you learned your lesson, you can return after some waiting. If you are unsure about your ban, you can join our Discord Server to check our moderation logs.

Q: Can you please ban xy?
A: Only if you can prove that xy broke the rules.

Q: How do I unlock Super Sonic?
A: Super Sonic was once unlockable via a racing-minigame that has since been removed. He will, however, be unlockable again in the future.

Q: How do I race?
A: The race mode is currently unavailable.

Q: Can i record this game?
A: Sure, go ahead.

Q: When will you release the next update?
A: When it's done.

Q: Will there be a plot/story?
A: The game is planned to feature a minor plot, though nothing groundbreaking. Just something to give players stuff to do.

Q: When is the next update?
A: When it's done.

Q: Can I start this game via GameJolt Client?
A: No, doing so won't work properly as far as I know.

Q: Will you be creating a mobile version of the game?
A: I'm personally not a big fan of the idea of making a mobile port of the game. I will probably not be making one. I don't think a game like this belongs on a mobile phone.


------The afangames-Team!-----

-----Project Lead----



----Resources taken from:---
Toby Fox
The Herp Derpinator

---People whose songs were covered/remixed---

(Most assets not made by the afangames-Team will be replaced eventually. This does not neccessarily go for sprites from the original UNDERTALE. Game files might include unused songs and sprites not by the afangames-Team nor anyone listed here.)

-------Special Thanks-------

  • Coraline

  • flopdoodle

  • The former afangames-Team, and our admins

  • Our Playtesters

  • KadeDev

  • Size43

  • The afangames-Discord Server and those who remain to this day

  • popcornpr1nce

  • Team Switched for completely revitalizing my interest in Undertale

  • GermanPeter

  • Everyone who supported the game, whether it be by playing it, reporting bugs, sending sprites or requesting things

  • Mairusu

  • Luigikid

  • RickyG

  • mintypython

  • Toby Fox

  • Everyone who's been on this journey with me. Thank you so much!


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Tobacco Use
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

servers seem to be having issues right now. figured it'd be the perfect time to add this screen lmao.


Jotaro's Moveset is finished!

no devlog for 16 days!! gr


what the hell thats not sans where is sans for pvp


Mad Dummy PvP Moveset - Complete! (Upcoming Version Preview)

oh shit what


hey guys what if we added actual undertale skins to the game

something's lookin a little off haha get it its funny trust me guys laugh its funny


its him its really him what the heck how


Status Report on the upcoming update