Comments (1,323)

what is this everybody is talking about the game and i get this
I Have A Question, Will Gaster be in the game like a Boss?
My Full Playthrough Of Undertale True Genocide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTNbhcZZ-bk

Undertale: True Genocide Demo Teehee
teehee (derogatory)
If it's not obvious, this is a troll game. I've removed past demos as I'm not proud of them and I'd rather people not see those as the final representation of True Geno or our team's skills or my skills. If you REALLY wanna play demo 2.6, 3.0 alpha birthday build, or older, then I'm sure you'll find them elsewhere. I know you will.

True Geno's Discord | True Geno's OST (Will be getting an overhaul) | My DeviantArt | True Geno's YouTube channel | My YouTube channel | My Twitter | True Geno's Twitter | True Geno's Reddit
Just want to talk to me privately? Discord ID: soupyback
Looking for a demo? Saw other YouTubers playing older demos? See here as to why I removed all the demos(summary: I'm ashamed of them).

Above art was made by Amikii of True Geno. Consider supporting her!

As seen on UnderEvent! Watch the UnderEvent showcase trailer here:
【True Geno】- UnderEvent Showcase Trailer - YouTube
Missed the UnderEvent showcasing? Don't worry, it's been archived!

Undertale: True Genocide(True Geno) is an Undertale fan-made game that takes place at the end of your genocide route in the original Undertale. True Geno is a more story-driven fangame than your typical "press fight button to win" with you having to strategically ACT your way out of battles. This game takes inspiration from many popular games such as Sonic, Mario, Freedom Planet, deltarune, and even other fan-made games like Undertale Yellow! True Geno is made using GameMaker: Studio v1.4 and is currently being coded by one programmer, the creator of this fangame, Soup Taels, me, and is being worked on by our dedicated team! Thanks to Colinator27 for providing me parts of his engine! True Geno is my first ever Undertale fangame project that I am leading, and I really appreciate it when fans or critics alike point out certain bugs or anything out of place so that the team and I can keep improving our game! This is a very ambitious project, so constructive criticism is highly wanted!

Youtuber's description(for those that want to give some brief information about the game in their description. Copy and paste this, if you want!): Undertale: True Genocide(True Geno) is an Undertale fan-made game that takes place at the end of your genocide route in the original Undertale. Frisk is at the end of the Genocide route where they meets Flowey. Before Frisk is about to kill Flowey, Flowey pleads for mercy, and Frisk agrees. Frisk devises a plan and must need Flowey to help him. If Flowey, however, ruins this plan again, it's off with Flowey's head.
Instead of Frisk killing Flowey and Chara erasing the world immediately, Frisk decides to spare Flowey and fight Chara. Chara informs Frisk that there is still more monsters out in the UNDERGROUND that still has yet to be slayed, so Frisk's adventure is far from over. Frisk devises a plan with Flowey, a team up, and if Flowey fails to go through with this plan, then, well... you will find out everything on your playthrough of True Geno. What will happen when Frisk goes beyond the LV. 20 limit? Where is all the rest of the monsters? Where does Gaster play a role on Frisk's adventure? All will be revealed soon. Traverse your way through a whole new Lower UNDERGROUND, meet lots of enemies, friends, or FRENEMIES, dodge tough monsters in your way, and become the most powerful in this Undertale genocide route fan sequel.
Although the game is called "True Geno", making some think that there will only be a genocide route, there will be means as to how to abort the genocide route and into a neutral route only. True Pacifist is long gone. How do we abort the genocide route? Well, all will be explained in game.

If you have not played or finished Undertale or deltarune, I highly recommend playing through those games and going through all the routes, finding secrets, dialogue, etc. as True Geno barrows a lot of elements from those two games considering this IS an Undertale fangame.

True Geno is not meant for beginners. This game is meant to be challenging, but fair. There will be points in the game where the difficulty gets ramped up as you continue down your path of genocide. Attacks are not meant to be unbeatable or impossible. I would advise you to keep playing Undertale and deltarune to get a feel of the battle system before playing True Geno.

Made-up questions made by yours truly:
Q: How come we are not able to fight the NPCs? Why don't enemies take one shot to kill? LV. 20 means that every enemy should get killed instantly!
A: If I coded fights for EVERY NPC in the game, I'd go crazy. To combat this, Frisk decides to tell Flowey to kill the rest of the monsters once you're about to leave an area. The reason why enemies don't take one shot to kill is because the game would get boring, just going through area by area and oneshotting every enemy without even getting to know their past, their struggles, personalities, etc.. This also wouldn't allow character development or for you to get the feel of a monster or environment. A power trip is cool and all, but there has to be a balance somewhere..!
Q: Hey, how come we can't fight Asgore, genocide versions of Toriel, Papyrus, etc.?
A: True Geno takes place after you're about to finish your genocide route, meaning you already killed off Toriel, Papyrus, Asgore, etc. Reanimating those monsters wouldn't really make sense without a purpose, and besides, I want to avoid adding Sans and Papyrus simply because I, personally don't like them, and the two have been oversaturating the Undertale community.
Q: Hey, you once boasted about there being a possible Redemption/ Neutral route. How is that possible without the MERCY button?
A: You don't deserve MERCY after your previous actions, but there's always another way out of a situation. A way you've actually been doing this whole time.
Q: Do you plan on making AU versions of True Geno? Like maybe Swapped Geno, Geno Fell, Outer Geno, etc.?
A: At some point, I may have some concept art for what these AUs may canonly look like for True Geno, but I have no intentions of making a seperate AU game, ost, etc. for True Geno at its current state. I don't allow unauthorized True Geno AUs take to be made. I do allow fan designs, so go crazy!
Q: Some of the character's designs look like rip-offs of other characters. What gives?
A: Many of our team members, and me, take inspirations from other video games, so of course there will be some design similarities, but we do not intend to "rip-off" any character. Please don't make assumptions that we may be too lazy or anything of the wiser to make more original character designs.
Q: Is there any team positions open? If so, do I have a shot at joining the team?
A: Of course, all is welcomed! If you think you'd like to become a team member for True Geno, do either contact me privately on Discord(recommended), join our Discord server and find the #team-applications
channel, posting some of your work there, or even fill out this Google Forms application(slower method).
Q: Can I use any of True Geno's assets?
A: No, you cannot. Any original asset made for True Geno will be used for True Geno and True Geno only unless I give you permission. If you see anyone using our assets without permission and/or credit, please, do send me a report.
Q: My operating system told me this was a virus or malware. What do I do?
A: Don't panic. It's just a false positive. This is common with most newly released software and there's nothing I can do about it except tell you to turn off your anti-virus software. This is because we're distributing unsigned software that Windows doesn't recognize. We are not paying up to $3,000+ yearly just so Windows can recognize the game.
Q: Can I make my own Android or (insert console here) port of True Geno?
A: No. If I find unauthorized ports of True Geno from unofficial sources, I will take you down. True Geno is only supported for Windows and Android.


Mild Cartoon Violence