
Nanos (Alpha 0.2.1).
*You can check the previous version right here: *
From the team of Excamedia Academy comes Nanos, the new revolution in the brick-breaking genre. You’ve probably played it hundreds of times: you break tons of bricks by shooting balls with a pad. Nanos is much more! It has the basis of classics Arkanoid and Breakout, with a touch of Pong. However, you’ve never experienced this genre yet with multiple players at the same time. Nanos can be played with up to four players. A brick-breaking game never was this fun!
We've updated our Nanos demo multiplayer build to make it less buggy. Unfortunately we've encountered a slight problem in doing so. The pause menu in game will not work with XBOX-controller support this build. We are very sorry, but we will fix it A.S.A.P! The bugs we did fix are listed below!
We would love to hear your thoughts, so drop a comment when you've played it!
We would also like to tell you that we have our own livestream channel: Excamedia Live! Every thursday from 17:00 CET to 18:00 CET, we play and talk about Nanos and other games. We even give away games sometimes. This thursday we will give away a copy of Black Mesa! Isn't that great? Join us on Twitch here:
Bugfix list:
Added background audio;
Rebuild level/world/boss loading;
Added boss mode/sudden death audio;
Increased craft speed;
Fixed bossmode/ sudden death audio pitch;
Fixed volume issues in boss mode;
Changed world rotation speed(down) in boss mode;
Added menu music;
Added saving of sounds settings (between games);
Added pause menu;
Added resolution switcher mouse control;
Added player join mouse control;
Fixed slider text output;
Fixed slider speed (controller);
Fixed metal bricks destroy audio;
Added slider mouse control;
Added menu keyboard input;
Added world selection highlights;
Added dialog mouse control;
Added guns keyboard control;
Fixed pause menu;
Changed pause menu;
Fixed ball unending loop in sudden death;