The year is 2023. Your name is Carl Sweten. Jobs have been scarce recently, as finding a lasting job hasn't been easy. As you go to finding jobs, you get a call from your friend, Jacob. He needs you to watch over the local high school, and offers to pay a decent amount. Needing the money, you accept the offer.
What you don’t know, is that something is lurking in the halls. Something demonic. And they are waiting. For you.
Nightmare in the Halls is a #Fnaf inspired game featuring demonic entities and a five night system with post-night tasks. As you fight your way through the week, only one thing should stay on your mind. Your survival.
People working on this game:
@GreenTurrett - Director
@Inferno_i_guess - Concept artist, Beta tester
@Jayleeean - Beta tester
@Glitch_sonic - Concept artist
@Icantthinkofaproperusername - Coder
@Redmask_jolt - Concept artist, artist, Voice actor, Animator
@TheGooberrino - Artist
@sillylilman52624 - Concept artist, Voice actor
@SharkyDoesntKnow - Concept artist, Artist
Virus65 - Concept artist
Keylan - Concept artist
@Alexthehedge - Voice actor, Beta tester
strangeronline - Beta tester, Voice actor
Stardust - Concept artist, Voice actor
@hoodedorsumn - Voice actor
@CzarIsActual14 - Beta tester