Comments (4)
Neat game. I included it in a compilation video series of the games from this jam, if you’d like to check it out :) https://youtu.be/k75pKDJVDg0

The sword slash is tough to perform but I can get used to it
Good game nonetheless
Ninja Scooter Simulator
Made for #badboxart game jam where you had 48 hours to create a game based on a piece of bad box art. You can see the jam and results here.
Ninja Scooter Simulator is an endless runner style game where you must guide your ninja past enemies and obstacles. Created with Game Maker: Studio free version, music with FamiTracker and sound effects with Jfxr.
Movement: Arrow keys / D-pad
Accelerate: Z / gamepad X
Jump: X / gamepad A
Sword Slash: C / gamepad B
Pause Game: ESC / gamepad Y
Menu Select: Z / X / C or gamepad A / B / X
Mouse can also be used on menus
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence