Comments (5)
You definitely have a solid start here. Though it seemed to me that it never spawned more barrels after a point. Also, my mouse cursor wouldnt lock inside the window so I was constantly clicking outside and losing focus. Nice job, and keep learning. Try my game here
Dark those hidden barrels! I included it in part 33 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)

Holy cow! I couldn't have made anything even close to that when I was 12. Heck, I can't even do it now. Very awesome job on this hide and seek with twist game. :D
Man, it's pretty awesome for you being in a jam with only 12 years old! The game it not perfect but I can see you have put a lot of effort on it! Anyway congratulations! If you have any doubts about game development you can contact us on our facebook page, e-mail or site!
[email protected]
I wish the best luck in your future!
Also, if you feel like it, you can also check out our jam entry
A 3D fps with a goal to destroy your worst enemy, barrels. In a certain amount of time you will need to eliminate all barrels in a small building. Although, the barrels are not as easy to find as you think. Good Luck! #indiesvsgamers
Ps. I am a 12 year old designing games for fun. Please do not hate.