Comments (5)
Digging the black white red, the VO work is pretty hilarious too! Check my game out here
Simple, fun game! I included it in part 23 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)

I can't log in, it keeps saying "Username/Token is incorrect"
Warning epilepsy seizure may be caused by this game.
Today's the day. And it's gonna happen again... and again. #indiesvsgamers
Don't forget to turn the volume up, there's tons of random sounds to discover ;D
Made by the Slugteam ( Valentin Feld, Valérian Drouet, Agathe Guillemot, Schadocalex and KerDelos)
Nixter features a Ninja with an urge to defeat his ennemies in a bloody way and we wanted the graphics to match with that. We only used three colors so that the red would be more impacting. On the other hand we wanted the audio to feel different, like you weren't alone. We took great care on the voice acting and you can hear us try and fail to pronounce the game title on the first screen. It was our way to include a "behind the scenes" right inside the game.