Comments (14)
can you make it availible for download? unity doesnt work with chrome
good idea for game but i started to fly away holding down w and v
the game looks great but there is too many image effects which made it lagy :(
its just a black screen for me... but it looks really fun :(
Damn d as you open the game I can not open the game for the whole world
No Seat? is a unique trial biking simulator game, now you can Track Stand, back wheel hop or pedal kick you way up and over obstacles instantly, without getting hurt or leaving your seat (pun indented!). Mountain bike trials, also known as observed trials, is a discipline of mountain biking in which the rider attempts to pass through an obstacle course without setting foot to ground. Trials riding is an extreme test of bicycle handling skills, over all kinds of obstacles, both natural and man-made.
Aim: Practice your trial biking techniques whilst the weather sucks outside. Choose routes to complete or just muck around generally.
W,A,S,D, to move/rotate the bike
R = resets the scene
B = Back wheel hop (toggle to enable / disable)
N = Brakes (hold down to use)
V = Lift backwheel (hold down to use)
Space = Pedal Kick (hold down to use)
Q = Sidehop to left (hold down to use)
E = Sidehop to right (hold down to use)
Mouse move to rotate view/scroll to zoom.
Using these keys the right amount takes practice and the cominations takes time to master too. Be patient, practice loads, but never forget to go out there and also practice in real life.