Comments (24)
It's a fun and challenging game with very atmospheric sounds and music. I never before played a shooter where I really felt like I was part of a squadron and a full scale assault. Very well done! Challenging from beginning to end.
Probably the most normal thing Jake has made. It's still pretty psychedelic though. If you're into arcadey shmups then you'll probably enjoy it, but I haven't played many so I can't really judge this well.
Very fun and challenging game. The movement is smooth, and the music is awesome. 4/5
That was cool! I loved the music and sound, but it did't quite fit the game, which i didn't love as much... Confusing!
Hey Im a huge fan of your work! its really inspired me to think outside of the box when it comes to making games. I thank you.
not august
Use the arrow keys, Z to fire gun, X to dodge bullets.
Use arrows to select level / aircraft and Enter to confirm.
Blue lines = checkpoints/ respawn points. This is what you gotta get
SO, I thought this might be difficult to notice, but you need to hold 'up' in order to actually move forward through the levels. You can see your actual movement speed in comparison to the background scan lines.
You need to try and advance through the stages by getting past each checkpoint. Player and allies respawn at last checkpoint.
Music and voices by Jack King-spooner
Game by Jake Clover
I should work on this more, I don't feel like it deserves all of Jack's awesome musics and the game relies on it pretty much anyway.