Comments (6)
Really amazing graphics, however I couldnt do much! If you'd like to take a look, I included it in part 9 of my Game Jolt contest 10 compilation video :) http://youtu.be/3UFvOCEe98s
I couldn't do anything but drink...good character design, though.
This is very clearly unfinished, but even at that I don't think you have enough content here to even upload. Unless you uploaded a wrong version of your game, I only had one playable character and had no way to interact with the environment.
Great start! I can't wait for the finished game! 4/5
Love the art style!
Not Just Any Party
Introduction: (Be warned! Its in Super Alpha right now.)
NJAP is a fun, insane game that seems harmless at first.
Start off by socializing with the party-goers and explore the party, see what you can do.
This game is intended to hold many different things the player can walk around and interact with.
Everyone knows though, that the real fun begins when you start drinking...
Let the Stupid commence!
WASD: Movement
Hold Space: Take a drink (or 5._.)
R: Restart Game
Esc: Quit Game
1/19/14 - So I must apologize, I had abandoned this game because of the issues during some coding that were overly frustrating me. I am happy to annouce that I will be starting this back up but I will be taking it slower and regretably without any deadlines so I can properly focus.
11/14/13 - Alot of stuff has happened in the past few days so I am super excited to announce Alpha1.0! Enjoy!
11/11/13 - First artwork of two rooms has been completed, check out the screenshot and let me know what you think of that tacky rug!
11/11/13 - All 6 characters are now in-game! Environment art is next!
11/11/13 - BAH! Ok so Im sticking with GameMaker (Unity is too frustrating for me atm for 2D games) Now to add in my characters sprites and continue with development!
11/11/13 - Moved to Unity, hopfully I will not run into anymore of these kinds of snags, but I feel 2 days behind. Also added 3 new characters! (6 total now!)
11/10/13 - Trying to come up with a way to animate only certain images in a sprite so I can reduce my sprite files from 8 to 1 per character, but I'm lacking serious progress with this task
11/10 - Just found out that GameMaker limits the number of sprites in the free version so I have just hit a huge snag in my development.
11/9/13 - Completed basic sprites for 3 characters for movement and of course taking a drink from your "Red Solo" cup.
11/8/13 - Came up with game idea based on how crazy things can get during a party.
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Tobacco Use
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Mature Humor
Simulated Gambling