
Comments (6)

What do you think?

Cool game. I liked the lighting and combat. 4/5

its okay. but it need alot of stuff added.

That's pretty fun :D

Good Game!

Just a simple zombie shooter I'm working on. (In beta right now) If you like it, please tip me on Indiecity, and if you want a free Indiecity copy(which is updated more often) just follow me on Twitter.(details on Indiecity)

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

I want to hear from YOU!

I can’t decide what features to add next, so I’ll let the players decide!(Please be reasonable)

Beta released!!!!!

That’s right! The beta is out NOW! NOW!!!! Go try it out!

Game In beta!

The game is in beta and we’ll upload a beta demo soon, so keep your eyes open!