Comments (10)
there was definitely a lot of work put into this, the aesthetic and music were great. really polished for a jam game. I think it suffers from being too complex, but exceeds that depth of much of the other entries :)
really cool. I like it!
Cool game! This is pretty unique compared to most other jam entries. I really like the race to mine as much material as you can before the enemies reach you. The music change when you get your ship fueled up is a nice touch, too!
Love the mining laser effect and the "Bubble Bobble" enemy defeat animation. I also really like how you can shoot bubbles past smaller debris but not large rocks, so you need to get the right angle on your opponents before attacking. Great work on this!
very satisfying!
Nowhere Near Earth
*Initially made for the Opera GX Game Jam*
The signal has been lost, and, adrift in space, two (or one..) zoologists pilot their ship into wormholes in hopes of reconnecting to their home planet. However, luck is not on their side, as each wormhole seems to lead them into strange, alien planets...
Also, thank you for viewing this page! I hope you gave the game a try. If you have any comments or frustrations, leave a comment and I will try to address it. I plan on adding, fixing, and improving many things to it later after the jam has completed, so stick around if you're interested!
v1.0.1 patch notes:
- quicker difficulty scaling (MAX at planet 20 instead of 70)
- updated build costs
- - cheaper boxes
- - cheaper pistol turret
- - more expensive bazooka turret
- can no longer build on outer space tiles
- show subtracted matter cost when building
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