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One Night at Metrorex v1.0.0

Version: 1.0.03 months ago
The 1st game from the ONaM series.

EN: In february 29th 2000,Metrorex and his gang have been invited you to survive them until 6 AM because the 4th line will open on march 1st 2000,can you do it or not?

RO: În 29 februarie 2000, Metrorex și gașca lui v-au fost invitați să le supraviețuiți până la ora 6 dimineața pentru că a patra linie se va deschide pe 1 martie 2000, puteți să o faceți sau nu?

Anyways,this is the first game from the One Night at Metrorex series,it was released on December 1st 2024,and there will be a sequel,which might be released soon.


Inspiration by @mikemike143143 and @DaKOOLSheep

The FNaF 3 Jumpscare sound belongs to Scott Cawthon.

and credit to everyone!

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
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