Comments (76)
oye vicios tengo una pregunta la 1.0 será eliminada o seguirá estando disponible
Hey vicio como en la V1 pondrás el juego en scratch

tengo una pregunta el juego tendra trailer ?
Una noche en venezuela rimeik 2025 4k hd .exe espuki
onas plus (V1)

Stickman's World Entertainment, the well-known place for family fun, will close its doors and be demolished due to bankruptcy thanks to some events that happened there.
You play as John, a man with severe trauma and emotional problems after losing his younger sister, Mary, who was the only family he had left, in an incident at an old Stickman's World Entertainment location. He decides to take the position of night guard in order to overcome his traumas, since he could not continue living with that weight... but surely he does not know what awaits him in that place...

Red: He is the current face of the company and the favorite of many. His goal is to entertain everyone to fulfill his dream, which is that everyone is as happy and smiling as he is.
Orange: She is the one in charge of teaching children the value of studying, and always encourages them to do their best.
Blue: He was the best Stickman boxer, until he decided to retire and dedicate himself to painting... Now, he is in charge of watching the children draw and sometimes teaching them some things, hoping that one day they become great artists... although he is a bit grumpy and it shows.

V1: This started as an internal meme between some friends and I, in which we said that the original ONaS is crap (and it is) and that I could do something better... it turns out that one day out of boredom I decided to make the character models in my own style, so that later the internal meme that was ONaS Plus became a reality
V2 (version still in development): The idea started in the middle of development, I had learned a little more about modeling and code and what I already had seemed kind of ugly to me, but at that point I felt that I had already made a lot of progress and I didn't want to do everything from scratch... so I continued with the development and the idea of ​​a V2 arose a few months later, when I wanted to return to the idea of ​​the V1 models but improved, so that later what is One Night at Stickman's Plus V2 was born

Artist, Coder: me
VA (Phone Guy): @Sim_Naum
Five Nights at Freddy's Plus: @Phisnom (this fella sucks, RIP FNaF Plus)
One Night at Stickman's: @CesarElXD (same as phisnom)